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Monday, August 7, 2017

Short trip in Taipei

I spent some day in Taipei now.  It is last night (sadly) of my Taipei trip so I would like to remain some note my Taipei days here.

TL; DR: I love this trip in Taipei.  I promise that I'll visit here again soon.

Sunday: COSCUP

After I've exhibit Open Source Conference 2017 Kyoto on last Friday and Saturday (actually it had been another trip because I live in Tokyo), I had moved to Taipei to participate COSCUP, which is the well-known event as most biggest FLOSS event in Taiwan and I wanted to participate for years.

I could join COSCUP thanks for Mr. Franklin Weng and Mr. ZerngChia.  Then I noticed that there are so many young people and women.  I have been jealous because many Japanese FLOSS events except dev-focused (I mean PyCon JP, RubyKaigi, DroidKaigi) has less young / women participants.  I would like 'steal' the secret how to attract young people :D from COSCUP organizers.
I enjoyed some talks (about Rust, openSUSE, and desktops), although I couldn't completely understand Chinese.  Most interested talk to me was about TALOS project.  I think that saving a language from extinction is one of the most meaningful usages of FLOSS, and it relates the next decade manifesto of The Document Foundation.

Of course, I talked several people who already I met, or new to me.  It was an awesome time.

Monday: sightseeing and community meeting

It was quite a tough day Today, with around 20,000 steps walk (more than 6 times of my usual day), and having 2-hours community meeting without dinner (yes, it's my fault I forgot to bring something to eat).

However, I really enjoyed the whole of Today.

Sightseeing Taipei

It was my first sightseeing in Taipei city (mentioned yesterday on Facebook).  I have walked around Presidential Office Building of R.O.C and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.  I love these beautiful structures.  And history about Chiang Kai-shek is interesting to me as a Japanese.

I also enjoyed a lunch and bubble tea in the Taipei 101 food court, the view of Taipei city from the observatory, and the north gate.  Everything beautiful.

Meeting with Mr. Italo Vignoli and Taiwan LibreOffice people

In the evening, I've joined the meeting with Taiwan LibreOffice people and their awesome guest Italo Vignoli.

Although I couldn't add some valuable comment as a Japanese community member (because lacking both of my experience of migration to LibO and my English skill ;), the time I spent is quite good to me to consider about Japanese NLP's future work deeply.

To be honest, I'm not a political guy as usual Japanese people, but I guess I should do some more "political" things if I love openness like ODF and LibreOffice.

Thanks to Italo for his interesting talk, and Franklin for organizing that night event.  And also many people gathering the evening.

After that, I had the honor to have a dinner with Mark Hung, most active committer to LibreOffice in CJK area.  Thanks to Mark, I had spent a good time to discuss LibO CJK development or else.  It is pity that time was quite limited so we JP and TW communities need to have another opportunity to discuss that :).

I am sorry that I can not express how much I am thankful to all of you who I met while the trip, because of lacking my English skill.  Just say; Thank you so much, I love you!

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