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Saturday, December 10, 2016

LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12 had finished successfully! (quick update)

LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12, Japanese annual LibreOffice conference, had finished yesterday with great success!

LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12 group photo

The word "Kaigi" is a Japanese word "会議," means "conference."  The name means not only Japanese "regional," but also "Japanese users specific."

Around 25 people gathered, and enjoyed several talks (ODF migration, LibreOffice/ODF and styles, maintaing Math and Japanese translation), Lightning talks and a panel discussion.

At the same venue, Japanese Debian guys run their own mini Debian conference, and we had a party together!

Both of Debian and LibreOffice folks enjoyed party

I promise I will write a report in detail near future, but in this article, I want to let you know we totally enjoyed the Kaigi and everyone feels happy.

Thank you for all speakers (especially Mr. Franklin Weng as the keynote speaker), attendees and staffs.  And many thanks to our wonderful sponsors:

- Cybozu Inc. (venue)
- i-Craft Corp. (party)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12

Short notice,

We, Japanese LibreOffice community, are preparing the"LibreOffice Kaigi 2016.12" on 10th Dec. (Sat), the annual LibreOffice meetup in Japan.

  • Date/Time: 10th Dec. (Sat), 13:00-18:00 JST
  • Venue: Cybozu Inc. (Tokyo Nihonbashi Tower 27F, Nihonbashi, Tokyo)
  • Fee: free (NOT includes the party at the same night)

The name of the event was renewed, from "LibreOffice mini Conference Japan", to emphasize it is not only "geographically local" but "language local."  "Kaigi" is a Japanese word means "conference" or "meeting."

We will invite Mr. Franklin Weng, who leads Taiwan government's ODF / LibreOffice migration, as the keynote speaker.   We believe that his talk will be a perfect gift for Japanese LibreOffice users.

The whole programs will be in Japanese (except the keynote; we will prepare the Japanese slide though), but of course, every non-Japanese speakers are welcome.

We'll co-organize the party after the conference with Debian Japanese community; they'll also have a conference exact a same venue :).  And we'll have a HackFest on 11th Dec. (Sun) at the same venue.

See you at Nihonbashi!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

LibreOffice Conference 2016 Brno (or my hospital life in Czech)

Time is passing too fast.  Almost one month ago, LibreOffice community had an annual conference in Brno, Czech
Entrance. Welcome to LibreOffice Conference 2016 Brno!

Beautiful venue

Unfortunately, I had fever quite and strong pain in my left leg ("erysipel" according to my medical certificate) while the date, and I had stayed the hospital while the conference...
I had been the University Hospital Brno from 7th to 10th Oct.

The gate of hospital.  Thanks for everyone!

I'm so sorry you all LibreOffice friends worrying about me.  Now I'm (almost) fine.  My left leg is still swollen little bit, but no pain.  I live my life as usual :)

It was little sad that I missed most of interesting talks in the conference, I had to absent most of interesting events within the dates.  However, it was good opportunity to me that I could observe our community from different aspect.

I proud that I'm a part of the brilliant community.  All of you are awesome!  I can't express well with my English how I appreciate you.  Thanks to Czech local team, especially Tomas and Jiri, my doctor doctor and nurses did anything perfectly to cure me, although I couldn't understand any Czech language and my English is not fluent.

See you in Rome!

(And personally, I have to try Czech beer near future :)

Brno Central Station