In 6th July 2013 (Sat), I've been in Okinawa, Japanese hottest prefecture, to attend Open Source Conference (OSC) which is one of series of most famous FLOSS related events (OSC 2013 Okinawa's official site is here; only in Japanese).
Yeah, Okinawa, really good place :) Strong sun than Tokyo area. It was first time for me visiting Okinawa, and I became an Okinawa lover.
Here is Okinawa convention center, in which we had OSC Okinawa.
And here is our space; LibreOffice Japanese team.
Sorry I forgot to take photo within the event, so it is taken at before event had started that's why no people is in there. Of course our booth had lots of visitors.
We also had a session. Ohmori-san, one of key person of our team and an employee famous LibreOffice user-company, had described about LibreOffice project, what's new of 4.1, etc.
I can't say "there had been full of people in the room" because it was in lunch time, but an important point is that we had lots of discussions includes development related stuff. Good time, of course.
One of the visitor told us that he build LibreOffice with Tiny Core Linux! I feel it's interesting to try running LibreOffice on TCL! Wow!
Basically I'm a LibreOffice guy, but also an Ubuntu lover, so I've helped Ubuntu team session by Ubuntu official member, Mizuno-san.
You might hear my voice in the video above, because I'm a Jan-ken (Japanese name of paper, rock, scissors) fighter to get some gift (T-shirt, magazines, ...).
Anyway, for me as a LibreOffice guy, most important purpose visiting Okinawa is to meet Takashi Abe, one of very few Japanese residence LibreOffice code committer.
We have spent long time in A&W burger shop with refill-free root beer, and told many things about LibreOffice; from community handling to development. Really nice time.
Thanks, Takashi!
The end of the day, we drunk "real" beer (Orion beer is Okinawa local beer, tastes light so really nice in hot place like Okinawa) and Awamori; Okinawa local spirit. Everything tastes so nice.
Next day, Sunday was a holiday for me. I enjoyed sea kayaking on really beautiful Okinawa's sea. Sorry for my waterproof camera was broken (water leaked from somewhere) and I could take few photos. I show you some.
Basically I love running rivers with kayak, not sea-kayak guy. But after paddled Okinawa's beautiful sea, now I think I should add sea-kayaking as my hobby :)
Thanks, Okinawa, I promise I'll visit again near future!